"Your photography is a record of your living, for anyone who really sees." (Paul Strand)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Fifty-Nine (40/365)


Mom said...

yet another game of Yahtzee I see.

Natalie said...

so who won?

Alex said...

I really like the reflections, both on the top of the dresser and the dice.

dad said...

Yes, Alex it was the marvelous reflections in the piano picture that wasn't chosen, that helped to make it the best of the lot.
I can't figure out what 59 has to do with a game of Yahztee (it has been a number of years since I have played).

Nicole said...

@ mari: who do you think? :)

@ dad: oh geez. i think it's time to move past the piano picture. also, 59 has nothing to do with yahtzee.

Candida Marie said...

one more and you could have played farcle with joe and i ;)