"Your photography is a record of your living, for anyone who really sees." (Paul Strand)

Monday, February 1, 2010

Funding Local Government (32/365)


Mom said...

Was it fun not to be the teacher?

You really should have paid attention in class....not played on your ipod.

Natalie said...

i was hoping for a photo of you and your fellow delinquents. how disappointing.

Christy said...

he he he. i hope a story will follow. i'm sure it's good. too bad we had SO MUCH to discuss last night that traffic school didn't make the cut.

dad said...

I am glad you are doing your share to support our local government gold.
So, how was it?
Story to follow, maybe with some creepy guy in it????

Nicole said...

dad (et al),

it was amazing. life changing, even. it rocked my world.


actually, it was tediously tolerable and (sadly) completely devoid of outrageous incidents.