"Your photography is a record of your living, for anyone who really sees." (Paul Strand)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

New And Improved (239/365)


Mom said...

Oh so much fun to have a new machine...

dad said...

I can see the grin on Alex's face from here.

Natalie said...

it looks like i'm the only one in the family still using a pc...not that alex's new computer was a change in that regard, i am just realizing the fact, see.
did he get another laptop or is it a desktop?

Nicole said...

@ mari: desktop. should be interesting.

Alanna said...

Oooh, looks like somebody got a Mac! I sort of inherited one when I married Craig, and now I can never go back. As if the thesis wasn't enough of a bonding experience, it turns out that they're just way better, too! Enjoy!!!